Bartending Mixtures
Float: The garnish of the cocktail or drink in which it could be a decoration to make it look appealing.
Build: When ingredients are mixed together into the glass in
which the cocktail will be served. The ingredients
are floated on top of each other. Sometimes a
swizzle stick is used, allowing the ingredients to
be mixed.
Muddle: When ingredients are crushed with a pestle
in a muddle in order to extract the most flavor
from fruit or mint garnishes.
Shake: Firmly grabbing cocktail shaker and aggressively
shaking it about a dozen times to fully mix
the ingredients. Shaken drinks will be cloudier but
more thoroughly mixed and colder.
Puree: A perfectly smooth mixture usually get from blending
and then passing through the sieve.
Stir: Pour ingredients into a shaker or mixing glass
full of ice and stir with a long twist-stemmed barspoon
at least six times in 360 degree complete
rotations. Strain the drink into a cocktail glass
and leave the “used” ice in the mixing glass.